Maschinen Krieger Competition 2022 Entry Redux

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Dear friends, hope you are well. This is difficult to write and deal with but to honor our late friend, Andy Butcher, I must press on to do this for him and our community. 

First, you will need to re-send your Ma.K Comp 2022 entry to me here at;

Please share this message in the hope that nobody misses out on entering after all their hard work. 

The sad news is that our dear friend and community leader, Andy Butcher, passed away suddenly. Andy insisted on running this year’s competition for us. Your entries are in his mail. I have access to the some of spreadsheets he made to track some data and although he offered to give me access to the email account, I wanted to show him that I completely trusted him and declined. I would never have imagined that he would not be with us…

That was Andy, we joked that he had become the first “employee” of Paint on Plastic. In fact, that was always my goal and dream, to be able to hire him even if only part time.

Andy was always a very enthusiastic, top level supporter right from the early days. Top notch writing and organizational skills. Super hopeful to everyone. He volunteered to do so many things and did them very well. Much better than I ever have and he always found this amusing. 

Over the years, I trusted him more and more. In fact, that was the last thing I said to him in our last phone call. “Sure thing mate, you know I trust you and thank you for being here for me.” That’s just it, he always was. I wanted to ask him about this post and his thoughts, because my little brain still doesn’t quite understand and has not processed what has happened yet. 

Andy continually stepped up and became more involved. He was so good at it that I offered to make him an Admin of our Facebook Group so that he would have all the buttons. He also offered, well… , demanded, to proofread my writing so that I would appear to be competent with the English language and because he disliked all the errors in the modeling books he had purchased. Not a little either, we are talking Andy rant here. 

What I feel I am trying to say is that Andy was most involved with us. I am sure many of you feel the same. It’s not that he will be missed so much as I have already missed him greatly. I need to ask him about what I should write about his passing… But he would expect me to press on and make more good things that would meet his approval. 

This is how I plan to honor our friendship and his commitment to me. I will do my best to make things that Andy would approve of. 

Thanks Andy, it’s always your fault mate. 

