Uncle Linc's Janky Wet Palette How to: It's cheap AND good!

How to Make a Cheap Wet Palette Tutorial

Hi folks!

It's very hot here now, a 5 day heatwave plus it’s school holidays with our family all at home. What better time to be working with water based acrylics in aircon? Or maybe it's freezing cold where you are and you don't want to open windows for stinky lacquers. Yep, same deal.

Over the next couple of weeks I will be sharing some work and step by step videos using water based acrylics paints on Sci-Fi scale models and and referencing my wet palette. Just to make sure you know what I mean and can work alongside me, here’s the exact recipe for what I am using.

It’s DIY, cheap and janky yet works perfectly and I’ve been using this set up for a couple of years now. Yes of course we can buy fancy commercial ones but I’d rather you save your money for must haves in the hobby. New kits, paints and of course to join our support community!

More soon, hope this works for you and please stay safe,


BLOG, VideoLincoln WrightTools