Maschinen Krieger Vega Großer Hund Build Complete

Großer Hund #6

Moon Hund!

Hello friends, a quick update on modeling progress. My final build for this Hund project is complete. A Vega Moon Hund. It’s the “early” version of the Moon Hund and you can see it alongside the “Late” or advanced version of the LUNA Hund. Yes, that’s the Golden one.

Now with the extensive build period done - yes 6 Hund kits - I feel I know them quite well and will continue with a deep dive into painting them. Yes, there will be videos of all of them including the Winter Dachshund which I can start editing now.

I have planned some varied paint approaches and techniques to bring them all to life for you.

The box set is a recent re-pop and I’ve included a photo of the art for your reference. This set will also allow you to make an Altair (Space Flight). I’d also like to point out that I feel it’s the most attractive of the plastic color choices I have seen on the Großer Hund with what feels like a subtle, RLM 02 Grey Green. Love it!

These appear to be on backorder on HLJ so likely you can still get a new one there or from the Hasegawa re-sellers you shop with.

Hope you enjoy it!
