Maschinen Krieger Eggplant 6 S.A.F.S. with David Woods

Hello friends,

Here’s one of my favourite models and finishes from my very early collection, around 2010.

It brings back very fond memories of collaborating with Mr David Woods who painted the figure for me and on the winter sequel which I will share next.

Only printed in Hobby Japan with a Japanese backstory, it’s now part of the new gallery for my book with the folks at AK-Interactive and available Nov 2021.

Hope you (still) like it too!

Linc (2021 version!)

Here’s the original backstory and share from 2010.

Staff Sergeant David Woodwards seen operating here near Old Darwin, April 14th 2885. A successful raid operation to disrupt SDRF supply imports from Asia and appropriate fuel and foodstuffs that were quickly loaded into long range transports. This daring daylight raid captured the Old Darwin Aerospace Port intact and allowed full use for sub-orbital shuttles for a full 2 hours before the Strahl Area Robot Defense Network came back online and responded. Swiftly falling back into the desert to awaiting transports, the raiders made good their escape with zero casualties and only 1 suit lost to malfunction.

*** Special thanks to Mr. David Woods of DWartist Painting Blog for the beautifully painted figure head, David is not only an artist but a gentleman and does top notch work and had it here within a week of making the offer. Amazing! He’s done a fantastic job to match the colors to the suit so well despite not being able to see the suit first hand. Can’t say the same for myself on this one, probably the longest suffering project I have worked on and there’s only really a week or so of evenings in it but I’ve been stretched to find time to work on it. Will catch up on some In Progress photos as they are in the camera but not had the chance to upload and share but will do so soon.

Thanks for looking, hope you like it.

