SCI-FI F.A.Q. – by LINCOLN WRIGHT Review by Master Maschinen Krueger!!

Maschinen Krueger, yes the gentleman behind the legendary website and forum of the the same name has written up a very nice review of my new bool. With his permission, shared here to my blog.

“Received my copy of the new AK SCI-FI FAQ Authored by Lin.K. It’s a very impressive book overflowing with step by step photos and techniques. Chapters cover Genres, Tools, Basic Construction, Detailing, Scratch Building, Painting, Weathering, Groundwork, Displays, etc. There are so many cool models in here with plenty of inspiration for many future projects. Ma.K features prominently throughout the book and is finally getting the attention it deserves.”

Please allow me to humbly add, huge thanks to Master Maschinen Krueger for the amazing contributions to the book. It's an honor to bring his works to print and yes, for the recognition that I feel both you and the Ma.K property deserve. Thank you for all the love and attention you have given it for such a long time. Waaaay before I fell over it in Akihabara.

The book is now available directly from the publishers, AK-Interactive here;