So where have you been Linc?

Hello friends! I’ve missed you as I haven't been on social media of late and for good reason - I promise! Have been working really hard on my next book project and to make sure I’m focussed and being as productive as possible, set myself the target and goal of 5am to 1pm, the first 8hrs of each work day, with no high dopamine activities or internet connectivity. 

“Oh noes, my internets!” 

Let me tell you, when you first go into a routine like this it’s really tough to kick the old habits but now 6 weeks in and it’s become a positive routine. 

Just having an opportunity to share what I’ve learned over the years as a hobbyist, studio modeller and now teacher and ambassador is incredible and at around halfway through the book it’s astonishing how much is just pouring out through my fingertips and with even some I have never seen before in a publication and yes I collect lots of modelling publications both in English and Japanese. 

Wrapping up my working day now and about to change from slippers to sneakers to go pick up the kid from school and just couldn’t be Slipper Dad in front of her friends, I happened to turn on the internet to see what is happening on the outside. I flicked open YouTube and despite never having watched this channel before, this was not only suggested but appealed to me, the choice of the old watch and promising a story with it. Yes I am a Homer Simpson and confess to liking stories. I will be honest to admit to being a little smug about the click-bait title too. Oops!

The message just happened to be a perfect reminder of why I am putting in so much effort and to be careful to spend time with those wonderful people who appreciate my value. That’s YOU of course!

Fair warning, the narrator really does get excited and I found it a trifle over the top but couldn’t help but smile, nod and give a little “heck yeah!” salute as it finished. It made my little week of hard work for me and wondered if just maybe, being Friday or close to it for all my friends, it might just be the message that might help you today too.

Thanks always and more soon,


BLOGLincoln Wright