Barbados Lupus Rex Frame Bonus Content Version by Lincoln Wright

Heya friends! Today I’m going to show you how I hand painted my Barbatos Lupus Rex Frame. Available here now;

Here are the steps I’ll take you through, broken the video down into Chapters to hopefully make it easier to access the exact content you want to watch again in the future.

Lupus Rex Frame Hand Paint Version Chapter Index

1. Primer and Frame Base Colour (00:28)

2. Drybrushing the Highlights (03:01)

3. The Blue Vascular System (05:04)

4. Making and Using a Wet Palette (06:17)

5. Colour Matching and Replacing the Stickers (08:43)

6. Pistons as a focal point with Titanium Gold (19:42)

7. Rex’s Golden Claws (23:51)

8. Handpainting Tamiya Clears (29:55)

I'm very excited to hear your feedback on this one! 2 key things I aimed for on this are to make it as compact and informative as possible whist being very accessible and logical with the chapter arrangements. How does that work for you? Hopefully it will be more useful on subsequent viewings when you want to come back to watch a particular chapter.

There are a few technical challenges with the video, some are limited by the hardware I currently own and can be solved as we hit our Patreon Goals. Others are simple my mistakes and I'd like to apologise in advance for them. Things like having the wrong settings on a mic can make such a difference in sound quality... so it does have a couple of rough spots but please forgive me on those as I progress on my journey as videographer.

We will be in Perth this weekend for the Weathering Competition at LR, I'm judging as well as doing a handful of demos on both the Saturday and Sunday on Gunpla and Maschinen Krieger. Please do come along and say "Hey Linc!", it will make my day to meet up with some of the Brobot Tribe in person!

Coming up next, well I of course I will finish Lupus Rex at some stage but there is no pressure, we could come back to the Rapoon next for example for October first...

What do you say folks!?!

More soon and thanks as always,
